Massively Exclusive Look into Refuge of the Apostate
Massively takes you inside the new level 80 instance located in the lands of Khitai.
Funcom's designers are keen on making an unusual dungeon experience (and one you want to repeat) as opposed to the usual mob- and boss-whacking fight-fests. To that end, the Refuge dungeon is rife with what Funcom calls "environmental challenges." Aside from the new content and story experiences, the Refuge will likely be popular with players due to its rewards (which include factional marks of acclaim, rare trophies, and esteem tokens). --Massively
Loads of new content are underway as Massively teams up with Funcom to bring you an exclusive look inside the new level 80 instance located in the lands of Khitai. Catch the full exclusive only on Massively.com!