The Year Past; the Year Ahead
Hey, folks! I’m Community Manager Andy “Odonoptera” Benditt, and we’re going to be taking a look back at what we’ve accomplished in 2015, and also take a gander towards the horizon in this new year.
Starting with February 2015, we released a comprehensive achievement system that provides incentives to go about your daily business, try something new or unusual, or return to an area you haven’t visited in a long time.
In April, thanks to your feedback and comments, we were able to expand and improve upon this feature, and now there’s a huge list of things to strive for. We also added the Panorama achievements to the game, which let you explore some of the gorgeous backdrops and landscapes Hyboria has to offer--from a new perspective!
We also want to thank the community for all the videos we’ve seen pop up that show these vistas off. You’re doing good work, everybody!
May saw us celebrate our 7th Grand Anniversary celebration, as well as marked the release of the Shadows of Vanaheim scenario pack! We were happy to release an adventure that expands on the stories that Hyboria has to tell. We also learned a lot from the feedback you provided regarding this content release, and we’re going to apply that for our future releases. This world is steeped in lore and history, and there are still so many untold tales from unvisited factions and nations that we want to share with you.
October heralded the release of the Palace of Cetriss raid encounter series as well as new Halloween event content that ran alongside previous years’ festivities. We’ve enjoyed keeping track of your progress through Tier 6 raids from our official forums, and congratulations to all those who conquered the palace!
Now, moving forward: We are still committed to new updates and content releases. The arena system is being diligently worked on, and the raid search feature will be introduced. We are still in the process of a full review of our membership system and payment models, and we can’t wait to finalize and share these details with you all.
There’s also the subject of the brand-new Conan title that we’ll be releasing details on later this month. A couple of astute players already may have sniffed out a trail. . .
Stay tuned for more soon!
Thanks for reading, everybody!