Celebrate Age of Conan’s sixth Anniversary!
Age of Conan turns six years old today, and we wish to celebrate the occasion with a brand new event, free gifts and a massive PvP update! The Anniversary Celebrations will last for two weeks, from today and until the 3rd of June.
Shadows of the past
Play now to take part in a fresh event in Hyboria! Travel through the sewers of Tarantia and take on the Red Hand, as they are plotting against king Conan himself! Uncover more layers of deception and discover that the true plans of treachery go much deeper. Go back to Tortage and the Acheronian ruins to face off against the true malevolent power behind this new assault!
Free Treasure Chests
The Treasure Chest and the Grand Treasure Chest have just been added to the in-game Item Shop. These brand new chests grant powerful rewards and on Friday the 23rd of May all Members will get a Grand Treasure Chest and every non-Member will get a Treasure Chest as a free gift! (If you become a Member before Friday you will get your Grand Treasure Chest). To claim your free gift you must log in before the 31st of May.
Festival of Bloodshed
Age of Conan just got its biggest PvP update ever with the all new PvP Festival system! Every month there will be a festival week where everyone can take part in brand new PvP events, do fresh PvP Quests and get their hands on unique rewards. The first ever PvP Festival week starts tomorrow on the 21st of May! Learn more about this huge new PvP system from Lead Content Designer Matthew Bennett here.