Age of Conan Celebrates Four Years!
This week sees the game celebrate its fourth year! With well over three million visitors having made their way through Hyboria, and found their own adventures, it's that time of year when we celebrate all that makes King Conan's world special. We celebrate those that seek their fame and fortune amidst the dens of danger and intrigue across Hyboria.
A good celebration also requires some gifts! This year is no different, and the King has dictated that his loyal followers must be rewarded for their dedication. This year sees a variety of special offers and gifts from premium members and free players alike!
The Illustrious Goldglory cloak
This wonderful piece of Hyborian craftsmanship will be available for all premium members between the 18th of May and the 1st of June. You will be able to claim your fantastic new cloak directly from the in-game store, and it can be claimed on all characters on your account. However it will only be available during those two weeks, so make sure you snap it up!
Premium Member Chests
In addition to the cloak, premium members will also be able to claim special free chests that will appear in the item store that will offer them special Phial's of Tranquility and some handy resurrection potions.
Harvest Chests
All players will also be able to pick up special harvest chests from the store for free, these chests contain a selection of the finest food and drink that Hyboria has to offer!
Advancement Chest
Everyone will also have access to a special Anniversary Chest of Knowledge that grants them a good selection of experience potions, which will aid your progression in levels, alternate advancement and PVP.
Dungeon Explorers license
Finally, as a special gift for all our free players, they will be able to pick up a special gift that grants access to many of the games premium dungeons. What's more, these passes are permanent! So if you pick one up during the birthday period, you will be able to enjoy access to those dungeons forever, for no extra cost! There has never been a better time to come and visit Hyboria!
Birthday Campaigns
What's more, is that there are a series of amazing offers available for the game during this period. If you have been considering upgrading to premium, or returning to Hyboria, this is an awesome opportunity! During the birthday period there will be a series of fantastic offers available when upgrading your account.
In the store free players will find The Royal Court Access Pack, which offers both the Rise of the Godslayer expansion, and Savage Coast of Turan adventure pack and sixty days of premium account time for only 3000 Funcom Points. Great value for those out to expand their Age of Conan experience!
There are also a selection of great offers available for longer durations, with the Turan Royal Cache, the Khitan Royal Cache, and the Royal Aquilonian Cache available on the account pages. These packs offer great bundle deals and additional free time for taking up three, six, or twelve additional months of premium time! They come with a fantastic selection of free items including expansion keys, bags of prosperity, additional character slots, and even an additional level 50 character slot depending on your selection. make sure you check them out as they will only be available during the holiday campaigns!
Our thanks!
The game is nothing without it's community, and we have all of you to thank for four fantastic years! We hope you will join us on the next four and beyond as we continue to add new content, and expand the world of King Conan.
See you on the battlefield!